ブックタイトル化粧品容器商社グラセル|Webカタログ(スタンダード別冊カタログ2018 英語版)


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化粧品容器商社グラセル|Webカタログ(スタンダード別冊カタログ2018 英語版)

1239B e n e f i t sIf en tirely m ade f rom b io-PE, p olyethylene m oldings w ill b e 9 6% b iomass-derived.T his t ranslates t o an ap proximately 7 0 % r e duc tion o f C O2 ( gre enhouse g as ) e missions c ompare dwith p etroleum-derived P E.■ A ssessment o f C O2 e missions f rom p rocesses e ncompassing b io -PE p roduc tion i n B razil, t ranspor t t o Ja pan,use a s c ontainers a nd d isposal b y i ncinerationP r o d u c t sItems p roduced f rom b io-PE ar e v irtually t he s ame i n c olor t one a s t hose f rom c onventional P E.Regarding heat resistance, impact resistance ( drop test ) and workability ( e.g. printing ), bio-PE is similar toconventional PE. Bi o-PE has p roven i tself in a ctual ap plications, w ith i ts o dorless an d c hemical resistanceproperties s uitable f or g eneral-use s hampoos.■ Please test the container’s resistance to the contents w ithout f ail.M a t e r i a l C o d e sThe m aterial c ode f or b io-PE i s “ PE.”If a p roduct is m ade f rom 2 5% o r m ore b iomass-derived components, i t is p ermitted to b ear t he B P l ogoof t he J apan Bi oPlastics A ssociation ( JBPA ). Bi o-PE q ualifies f or t he B P l ogo.■ To use the B P l ogo, you n eed to register w ith JBPA as a m ember and have your p roducts individually registered andcer tified ( at c ost ).A p p l i c a b l e P r o d u c t sAll G LASEL p roducts m ade w ith P E c an a lso b e m ade w ith Bi o-PE.■ Some products are e xcluded. Please inquire for d etails.?2345 ???CO2E F F O R T S T O R E D U C E E M I S S I O N S